Opening concert at the 73rd ION Nuremberg Music Festival
Ab 19.00 Uhr
Die symphony of change beim 73. Musikfest ION Nürnberg
Hildegard von Bingen to Clara Schumann Sounds of Sustainability
With the symphony of change, the Stegreif Orchester kicks off a colourful festival programme at the 73rd ION Music Festival in Nürnberg. On June 28th 2024, the ensemble's symphony of sustainability will be performed in St. Sebald's Church with recompositions of works by Hildegard von Bingen, Wilhelmine von Bayreuth, Emilie Mayer and Clara Schumann. We are looking forward to a wonderful concert!
Photo: Navina Neuschl
Trailer symphony of change | Youtube-Kanal von Stegreif
The Stegreif Orchestra puts the most pressing change of our time, climate change, centre stage through its artistic exploration of the elements of nature and water. The everyday rippling is interrupted abruptly by the sounds of war, blind destruction and ... music. Because with the symphony of change, we realise that we have to change before it is no longer possible.
In the symphony of change, Stegreif asks itself what this change sounds like. The orchestra spans the musical arc of four female composers and periods of an underappreciated musical history: from Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179), Wilhelmine von Bayreuth (1709-1785), Emilie Mayer (1812-1883) to Clara Schumann (1819-1896). Stegreif gives these voices a new resonance by recomposing selected works of these historical female composers by five young female members of the orchestra. Between Bingen's ordo virtutum, Bayreuth's opera Argenore, Schumann's Klavierromanze and Mayer's 7th symphony, emerges a performance that creates a new common thread in music history and, with it, breaks through the genre boundaries between jazz, classical, contemporary and improvised music.
(C) Alexander Ziegler
The symphony of change unfolds its greatest radiance when we make music, listen and act together - in the middle of the audience, between you and me. Stegreif deliberately places the last of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals at the end of its #bechange series and asks directly: Are you a partner in achieving these goals? Are we shaping change together?
#bechange wurde gefördert von: Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
16 workshops - 4 premieres - 1 symphony of change. Four female composers shape a programme that engages with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. A symphony of change is created together with people from all 16 German states.